I have decided to get rid rid of the idea that the Librarian dislikes books completely. Whilst wrestling with the story I believe this is the thing that has been causing me problems all along, especially since he has lost the motive of his fathers death. I have decided to change the Librarian to be a character who is going about his daily business in the Library when his attention is drawn to one book in particular. This book then interacts with him.
  • He has fallen asleep at his desk
  • (Dreaming book flapping around head scene?)
  • Closed book on table - words start to creep up his hand. Stories start to scratch at his skin to try to wake him, constrict him.
  • He wakes to see book vortex spiralling before his eyes pounding towards him (Coraline-esque?)
  • He is sucked into the book.
  • Book closes to reveal subtitles?

He is old, he has forgotten the joy of stories - scrap father idea?

He is writing his own book - this is the one that consumes him, his own story. (Shots of him writing this story.)

  • Shows books in the library tormenting him adding to the pain of his fathers death.
  • One story reaches out and narrates an acceptance to him, story of father and son? Death? Grieving?
  • After he crushes book sculpture - shot to him angrily chucking away scrunched up book page. Throws over his shoulder, then writes out titles.
I've been trying to make sense of the story thats in my head, so here it is:
  • Slow build up, telling the story of his father, he's alone, this is the reality. Close up camera angles on his expression, sighing, eye movements.
  • Books come to life, the stories bring out a character in him.
  • He tells a story which animates him, books come to life.
  • Relates his grief through stories, his emotions become animated.

In reality he is sunken into his chair, part of the chair, looks like he is growing out of it or has become part of it with time. Appearance would suggest that he will never be able to get out of this chair again and is resigned to this fact.

Suggestion that when he tells the stories the sprightly librarian is in his mind, it is his spirit coming to life with the story, himself rememberin the excitment and life in books.

This is perhaps the best example I have written so far of what I want to achieve with the story:
More writings of the brain massaging kind:
I've been trying to get the creative cogs into gear, here's a bit of creative writing on the Librarians appearance. This isn't set into stone by any means but just a way of helping me start to think about the character in more detail.
I bought these old photographs at an antiques market in the hope of inspiration. There is a feeling of nostalgia linked to old photographs and I thought I could use these to fuel the librarians grief. Perhaps the couple is a picture of him and his wife whom he grieves for, maybe his child, or his father?

I quite like the idea of the loss of a father...perhaps he was the librarian senior which would cause the librarians grief and hatred towards books as they remind him of his Dad.